Title: Animals of Kumiki
Country of origin: Japan
Designer: Sabu Oguro
Maker: U-Plan
material: Oak Wood
Story : It is said a tree cut down at its age of 100 years old
produces wood which exhibits the maximum strength
after another 100 years. The warmth and grace of
wood seem to me the evidence that wood is alive.
With a desire to make forms of animals in wood, I
have been trying to think out a variety of combinati-
ons of forms in Kumiki. From familiar cats and dogs
to camels living far away by Nile River, they are all
close together in harmony to form animal families.
I hope the Kumiki animals, cut out of a simple piece
of board and sheltering the spirit of a tree, will be
touched by the hands of all the children and the
grownups who never loose the young idea to enhan-
ce their free and inexhaustible sensibility and intelle-
ctual curiosity.